Eric Klempnauer



As a developer, I focus on creating systems using leading frameworks for a robust, responsive, and secure user experiences, while also integrating with any available data sources. I have a constant desire to throw myself at new development tools as they become available and have continued to build on my abilities through work and personal projects. I am currently working with VizworX to develop custom solutions for our clients, working with various teams, while also driving internal process improvements around our development practices.

Calgary, AB
11 years
React, Node.js, , MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean, Git, SASS/LESS, JavaScript, TypeScript...
Form under Contact Me
Bachelor of Fine Arts (New Media)


Language & Frameworks

React Native
Ruby (on Rails)


Linux Administration
VPS Deployment
Database Administration
AWS Management
Azure Management

General Skills

Team Player
Ability to Learn
Web Design
IT Support



Senior Developer & Team Lead - to Present

As a Team Lead I am responsible for directing the development efforts of my projects, acting as SCRUM master in our agile process while also contributing code directly to projects during weekly sprints. Team Leads are also directly involved in meetings with the client as part of the agile process to provide technical insights and identify changes to scope and project requirements. I am also available as a technical resource to sales staff to perform discovery tasks and provide estimates for new opportunities for the company.


Part of my role includes determining the infrastructure needs for the various projects that I lead, as well as giving recommendations and guidance to other teams. Infrastructure needs are determined based on the individual clients needs and to fit with their existing infrastructure. This has given me the opportunity to work with various services from AWS and Azure, most notably AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Fargate, AWS Elastic Container Service, and Azure App Services. Projects are configured using CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment process while ensuring uptime and smooth roll-outs of new releases. Larger projects are configured with tiered releases of new versions across staging, beta, and production environments.


At VizworX I also work with other members of an internal architecture team to drive adoption of new tools and software as part of ongoing improvement to the development standards of the company. This includes working on standards for our internal git process, best practices for infrastructure, and finding additional devops tools to improve the productivity of the entire team.

Upanup Studios

Developer - to

During my time at Upanup I completed several website projects, as the lead developer, for large municipalities such as the City of Grande Prairie and the Township of Clearview. While at Upanup I worked to improve the workflow and development pipeline to improve our efficiency and quality. This includes introducing the use of Git and training developers at the company in its use. Another tool that I pushed forward adoption of is composer for improving our management of Drupal 8 projects, including writing internal documentation to assist other developers with composer.


Upanup also had me assist our project managers by joining them for in-person project proposal meetings, demos, and training with users. I also assisted in providing ongoing maintenance to our large pool of clients, which include the City of Kamloops, Viking Air, FIRM Management Corporation, and many others.


Freelance Developer - to

As a Freelance Developer, I worked directly with multiple clients on the development of new websites, management existing websites, deployment and management of server infrastructure. I assisted clients and their vendors with integrating new applications into their existing websites. Throughout my freelance work I have managed to consistently meet and exceed client expectations while remaining within contract budgets.

Joey's Franchise Group

Web Development & Design - to

At Joey’s Franchise Group, my primary responsibilities were designing and developing websites and required web applications for the Joey's Group of Companies. This included management of the web presence for 8+ organizations as the sole web developer for the organization. During my time, I developed a Node.JS based digital menuboard system for Joey's Urban running on Raspberry Pi's with a central VPN for remote management. I was also responsible for monitoring and deploying multiple servers for uptime, maintenance, and security.

Alberta Health Services

Internship - to

Assisted in the development and improvement of existing online training and education systems for providers and patients. Was given a leadership role in developing outward facing design materials for the provincial Palliative & End of Life Care program.

Bell / FLT Connections

Store Manager - to

Managed six staff at a small Bell store, this included scheduling, hiring, and sales/commision calculations. Worked directly with the store owner on advertisement planning based on experience developed while at University earning my B.F.A.

CERES Evaluation & Research GmbH

Graphic Designer & Web Developer - to

Designed and developed a new company website with input from involved partners using the Wordpress CMS. Designed brochures and questionnaire forms for use with ongoing research into medical devices. Translated documents between English and German while also checking previously translated documents for errors.

Columbia Seed Co. Ltd.

Graphic Designer & Web Developer - to

Developed a new website using existing content on the Joomla CMS while working on-site. Worked with other staff on designing brochures and ads for use in local newspapers and provincial magazines.